Description:Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 is a mobile entry in the Megami Tensei franchise, developed by the makers of Persona. This dark and thrilling RPG brings its intense battles, mysterious storyline, and demonic themes to mobile platforms, offering players the chance to summon and command demons through a special smartphone app. As a Devil Downloader (Dx2), you must fight to protect the world from the nefarious Acolytes, a faction of rogue Dx2s.
HOW TO PLAY:How to Play:
Summon and Command Demons:
Use your smartphone app to summon demons and lead them into battle.
Fuse demons to create more powerful allies, and transfer skills to tailor their abilities to your playstyle.
Battle System - Press Turn:
Engage in turn-based combat using the Press Turn system, where the order of turns and exploiting enemy weaknesses plays a critical role in success.
Tactics are key, as each demon has its own strengths and abilities that can turn the tide of battle.
Collect, Enhance, and Evolve Demons:
Collect over 160 unique demons from the Shin Megami Tensei universe.
Enhance, Evolve, and Awaken your demons to strengthen your party and tailor it to your preferred strategy.
Augmented Reality (AR) Mode:
View your demons in 360 degrees using AR and take pictures with them in real-world environments.
Interact with your favorite demons in a more immersive way using this mode.
Optimize Your Party:
Form a powerful party by customizing each demon’s abilities and applying your preferred tactics.
Enhance your Archetypes to create diverse and versatile party compositions.
Assist and Auto-Battle Features:
Use the Battle Assist feature to help other players or receive help in return.
Auto-battle and Speed Up modes let you streamline battles for quicker progress without sacrificing strategy.
Engage in Events and Story:
Dive into the story-driven campaign as you fight against the Acolytes and uncover the secrets of the Dx2 world.
Participate in limited-time events for exclusive rewards and new demons.
Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 offers a rich experience for fans of tactical RPGs and the Megami Tensei series, with a deep demon collection system and immersive features for hours of gameplay.