HOME / Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes

DeveloperNintendo Co., Ltd.
OSIOS / Android
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Description:Fire Emblem Heroes is a captivating mobile strategy role-playing game (RPG) that brings together characters from the beloved Fire Emblem series.In this game, players take on the role of a summoner who has the ability to call upon heroes from different Fire Emblem worlds. The goal is to assemble a powerful team of heroes and lead them into tactical battles against various enemies. The game features a compelling storyline that unfolds through engaging dialogue and beautifully animated cutscenes. How to play? 1.Tutorial: Follow the on-screen instructions to learn about moving units, attacking enemies, and using special abilities. 2.Story Mode: Here, you'll progress through a series of chapters, each with its own story and battles. 3.Summoning Heroes: As you progress, you'll earn Orbs, the in-game currency. Use Orbs to summon new heroes from different Fire Emblem games. 4.Team Building: Access the "Allies" menu to manage your heroes. Create teams by selecting heroes from your roster and arranging them strategically. 5.Battle: Engage in tactical battles by selecting a chapter or mode from the Battle menu. On the battlefield, tap on a unit to view its movement range and attack options. 6.Leveling Up : As your heroes earn EXP, they will level up and become stronger. You can also use items like shards and crystals to instantly level up your heroes.
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